
Resource Schema for calendaring and scheduling services published

TC RESOURCE has published its Schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling services, and the proposal has been submitted to the IETF as an Internet Draft. Please see Resource Schema. This proposal describes a schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling. A resource in the scheduling context is any shared entity that can be scheduled by a calendar user, but does not control its own attendance status.

Only 4 weeks to CalConnect XVIII

It is now only 4 weeks to CalConnect XVIII, May 24-28 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh — and only 2 weeks until Early Registration (for the Roundtable) ends on the 9th. As of Monday the 10th the registration fee will increase from $350 to $395.

As usual, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning will be the Interoperability Test Events, while Wednesday afternoon to Friday afternoon will be the Roundtable. Remember you must register separately for the two events.

CalConnect Minutes from Roundtable XVII

CalConnect Minutes is the CalConnect newsletter published after each CalConnect Roundtable. Each edition contains information from the previous Roundtable and IOP Test Event plus articles and guest contributions. It is intended for CalConnect members and for others interested in CalConnect and in calendaring and scheduling.

The current edition of CalConnect Minutes is available at CalConnect Minutes Roundtable XVII.

February 2010 CalConnect Interoperability Test Event Report Published

The public report from the CalConnect Interoperability Test Event on February 1-3 2010 has been published. This event was hosted by UC Irvine in conjunction with Roundtable XVII. Please see February 2010 CalConnect Interoperability Test Report.

The complete internal test event report is available to CalConnect members on the CalConnect website members area.

Third Mobile Calendaring IOP Test Event May 24-26 2010

On May 24-26, 2010, CalConnect will hold its third Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Event, as part of CalConnect XVIII at Carnegie Mellon University. This event will be focused on mobile device synchronization with ActiveSync. We invite all CalConnect members and non-members with an interest in testing ActiveSync client and/or server implementations to participate in this event.