
Registration is open for CalConnect XVI October 5-9 2009

Registration is now open for CalConnect XVI, October 5-9, 2009, at Apple in Cupertino, California. Please see for logistics and registration information for the Roundtable and for the Interoperability Test Event.

The Conference Hotel will be the Cypress Hotel in Cupertino. If you are from a CalConnect member you will be able to book at the Apple rate.

Member News – Mozilla Seeks Lightning Hacker

Mozilla Messaging wants to help ensure that current users of the Lightning calendaring extension for Thunderbird 2 will be able to migrate to a new (pre-1.0) version that works well with Thunderbird 3.0.

Mozilla is looking for a “hacker” (contractor) with strong open-source engineering and project management background to help make that happen. See Mozilla Seeks Lightning Hacker.

Topical Agendas for Technical Committees at Roundtable XV

The Topical Agendas for the Technical Committee sessions at the upcoming Roundtable XV have been published and are on the logistics page for CalConnect XV at Topical Agendas. An agenda is also provided for the Shared Calendar Workshop on Wednesday afternoon. The workshop is intended to start addressing how shared, public, and group calendars are being implemented and how to provide for them in the standards, to avoid calendaring clients having to have separate implementations for each provider.