Past Events
Hosted by Cronofy in Nottingham, United Kingdom
Hosted by CalConnect and conducted entirely via Zoom.
Hosted by CalConnect and conducted entirely via Zoom.
Hosted by CalConnect and conducted entirely via Zoom.
Hosted by CalConnect and conducted entirely via Zoom.
Hosted by FastMail in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Hosted by (YCBM), Bedford, United Kingdom
Tuesday February 05 at CalConnect XLIV Zürich
Hosted by Google, Zürich, Switzerland
Hosted by 1&1, Karlsruhe, Germany
Hosted by Oath, Sunnyvale, California
Hosted by Open-Xchange, Cologne, Germany
Hosted by Tandem, Seattle, Washington
Hosted by the University of California, Irvine in Irvine, California.
Hosted by dmfs GmbH, Dresden, developers of SmoothSync.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016 - All Day
Hosted by Ribose and OGCIO at HKU
Hosted by Ribose and OGCIO, Hong Kong
Hosted by AOL, Palo Alto, California
Hosted by Gershon Janssen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Hosted by 1and1, Bucharest, Romania
Hosted by Kerio Technologies, San Jose, California
Hosted by, Bedford, UK
Hosted by Mozilla, San Francisco, California
Hosted by DHL, Prague, Czech Republic
Hosted by The University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
Hosted by Oracle, Santa Clara, California
Hosted by Google, Zürich, Switzerland
Hosted by Google, Zürich, Switzerland
Hosted by Apple, Inc., Cupertino, California
Hosted by Kerio Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic
Hosted by NASA Ames, Mountain View, California
Hosted by The University of California, Berkeley
Hosted by IBM/Lotus, Littleton, Massachusetts
Hosted by Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Hosted by The University of California at Irvine
Hosted by Apple, Inc., Cupertino, California
Hosted by Oracle, Redwood Shores, California
Hosted by Microsoft, Redmond, Washington
Hosted by Yahoo/Zimbra, Santa Clara, California