
Current as of February 2019

At CalConnect Conferences, observers are individuals from an organization which is not a member of the CalConnect, attending to determine whether involvement in CalConnect is valuable enough to their organization to join. Generally, an organization can only attend one CalConnect Conference as an Observer.

Information about Previous CalConnect Events

Information about each CalConnect Conference (and former Interoperability Test Events) is published shortly after each event in event reports posted to the CalConnect website. See Event Reports for an index of these reports. The reports cover what went on at the Conference, what the current work is in the Technical Committees, and broadly what we expect to be doing until the next event.

In the past, CalConnect separated its week into two segments: an Interoperability Test Event for the first 2.5 days, and a Conference for the last 2.5 days. Recently CalConnect has changed to a single 4-day event comprising both Conference activities and work sessions, which can include interoperability testing.

Several years ago, CalConnect published a newsletter called CalConnect Minutes after each event, containing much the same information. You can find copies of the newsletters at CalConnect Minutes. The newsletter ceased publication in 2012.

Observers at a CalConnect Conference

Attendance and participation at a CalConnect Conference is generally limited to representatives of members of CalConnect. However, a non-member interested in joining CalConnect may register one or more representatives to attend a single Conference on its behalf as observers.

Conference observers pay the same registration fee as member representatives and are welcome to participate in all CalConnect activities at the Conference, but will not be able to vote, nor to continue involvement after the Conference unless their organization joins CalConnect.

Conference Observers are required to abide by the relevant clauses of the Membership Agreement and member representative Code of Conduct while attending the Conference and with respect to any actions resulting from the Conference in the future. The individual registering for the Conference as an observer must acknowledge that he or she, and any other individuals being registered at the same time, have read the terms and conditions indicated above and agrees to abide by them.