Policies and Related Materials

Articles of Incorporation
The Articles of Incorporation of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium, incorporated in the State of California on 1 January 2004 as a California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation. The Consortium is a registered 501(c)6 Nonprofit Tax-exempt organization.  CalConnectSM is a Service Mark of the Consortium.

The Bylaws of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium, adopted February 27, 2004; amended May 16, 2005, April 4, 2008, July 25, 2008, July 9, 2010, April 11, 2014, August 8, 2014, April 14, 2017, November 15, 2019, and February 21, 2020.

IPR Policy
Intellectual Property Rights policy.

Copyright and Licensing
Copyright and Licensing Information for Published Material.

Policies and Procedures
Policies, Procedures and Recommendations .

Membership Agreement
The Membership Agreement of CalConnect. Prospective members must agree to comply with the Membership Agreement as a prerequisite to joining the Consortium.

Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct for member representatives (individuals representing members of the Consortium while engaged in Consortium activities). This code also governs observers (see below) at a CalConnect event.

Observers at CalConnect Events
The rules which govern observing a CalConnect Conference. Non-members may send one or more representatives as observers to a single Conference to evaluate the Consortium.