CALCONNECT DOCUMENT CD 1104 Type: Report Title: Index to Calendaring and Scheduling Standards Version: 3.0 Date: 2019-06-20 Status: Published Source: CalConnect
This page provides links, titles, and very brief abstracts of Calendaring and Calendaring-related (e.g. WebDAV, vCard) standards, specifications, and guides. The material is divided by category and subdivided in turn to base standards, additions and extensions, and work in progress. Entries are alphabetical by title within section. The material linked is largely but not entirely IETF and CalConnect.
All items that are work products of CalConnect are identified on the title line by CalConnect.
We would appreciate additions and corrections to the list; please send any recommendations to Standards Recommendations to CalConnect
The Date of Publication at the masthead reflects the most recent additions or changes to the page. |
An Introduction to Internet Calendaring This CalConnect guide introduces internet calendaring and the major standards and specifications related to calendaring and scheduling. CalConnect
Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms A Glossary of Calendaring and Scheduling Terms. CalConnect
Base Standards
Calendar Availability RFC 7953 This document specifies a new iCalendar calendar component VAVAILABILITY that allows the publication of available and unavailable time periods associated with a calendar user. This component can be used in standard iCalendar free-busy lookups, including iTIP free-busy requests, to generate repeating blocks of available or busy time with exceptions as needed. CalConnect
Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) RFC 5545 iCalendar is the core data schema for calendaring information. This is the new version and obsoletes RFC2445. CalConnect input
iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP) - Scheduling Events, BusyTime, To-dos and Journal Entries RFC 5546 Specifies the mechanisms for calendaring event interchange between calendar servers. This is the new version and obsoletes RFC2446. CalConnect input
iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability Protocol (iMIP) RFC 6047 Specifies how to exchange calendaring data via e-mail. This is the new version and obsoletes RFC2447. CalConnect
xCal: The XML format for iCalendar RFC 6321 This specification defines a format for representing iCalendar data in XML. More specifically, is to define an XML format that allows iCalendar data to be converted to XML, and then back to iCalendar, without losing any semantic meaning in the data. Anyone creating XML calendar data according to this specification will know that their data can be converted to a valid iCalendar representation as well. CalConnect
Parameter Value Encoding in iCalendar and vCard RFC 6868 This specification defines an extension to iCalendar and vCard data formats to allow parameter values to include certain characters forbidden by the existing specifications. CalConnect
jCal: The JSON Format for iCalendar RFC 7265 This specification defines "jCal", a JSON format for iCalendar data. The iCalendar data format is a text format for capturing and exchanging information normally stored within a calendaring and scheduling application, for example, tasks and events. JSON is a lightweight, text-based, language-independent data interchange format commonly used in Internet applications. CalConnect
New Properties for iCalendar RFC 7986 This document defines a set of new properties for iCalendar data. CalConnect
Non-Gregorian Recurrence Rules in iCalendar RFC 7529 This document defines how non-Gregorian recurrence rules can be specified in iCalendar data. CalConnect
Additions and Extensions
CalWS-Rest RESTful Web Services Protocol for Calendaring This document, developed by the XML Technical Committee, specifies a RESTful web services protocol for calendaring operations. This protocol has been contributed to OASIS WS-CALENDAR as a component of the WS-CALENDAR Specification under development by OASIS. CalConnect
CalWS-SOAP SOAP Web Servicies Protocol for Calendaring This document, developed by the XML Technical Committee, specifies a SOAP web services protocol for calendaring operations. This protocol has been contributed to OASIS WS-CALENDAR as a component of the WS-CALENDAR Specification under development by OASIS. CalConnect
Freebusy Read URL This proposal, developed by the Freebusy Technical Committee, defines a standardized form of Freebusy Read URL to improve interoperability between client and server implementations, while extending functionality and utility through the use of optional parameters. CalConnect
hCalendar 1.0 microformat hCalendar is a simple, open, distributed calendaring and events format, using a 1:1 representation of standard iCalendar (RFC2445) VEVENT properties and values in semantic HTML or XHTML.
IANA Registration of Enumservices for Internet Calendaring RFC 5333 This document registers Enumservices for Internet calendaring. Specifically, this document focuses on Enumservices for scheduling with iMIP (iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability Protocol) and for accessing Internet calendaring information with CalDAV (Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV).
Work in Progress
Calendar Subscription Upgrades This specification introduces an approach to allow subscribers to calendar feeds to upgrade to a more performant protocol CalConnect
Event Publication Extensions to iCalendar This specification introduces a number of new iCalendar properties which are of particular use for event publishers and in social networking. CalConnect
Improved Support for Icalendar Relationships This specification updates RELATED-TO and introduces new iCalendar properties LINK and RELATED-ID to allow better linking and grouping of iCalendar components and related data. CalConnect
Internet Calendar Scheduling Protocol (iSchedule) This document defines the Internet Calendar Scheduling Protocol (iSchedule), which is a binding from the iCalendar Transport- independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP) to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to enable interoperability between calendaring and scheduling systems over the Internet. CalConnect
Schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling services This specification describes a schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling. A resource in the scheduling context is any shared entity that can be scheduled by a calendar user, but does not control its own attendance status. CalConnect
Support for Series in iCalendar This specification updates [RFC5545] by defining a new repeating set of events known as a series. This differs from recurrences in that each instance is a separate entity with a parent relationship to a specified template entity. CalConnect
Task Extensions to iCalendar This document defines extensions to the Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) to provide improved status tracking, scheduling and specification of tasks. CalConnect
VALARM Extensions for iCalendar This document defines a set of extensions to the iCalendar VALARM component to enhance use of alarms and improve interoperability between clients and servers. CalConnect
vObject Internationalization This document specifies mechanisms for the internationalization of vObject content and its realization in vFormat. CalConnect
The vObject Model and vFormat Syntax This document specifies the vObject data model and its corresponding syntax vFormat. vObject represents the generalized data model, and vFormat the generalized data format, of the following specifications and fully covers them. CalConnect
VPOLL: Consensus Scheduling Component for iCalendar This specification introduces a new iCalendar component which allows for consensus scheduling, that is voting on a number of alternative meeting or task alternatives. CalConnect
Base Standards
Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) RFC 4791 This document defines extensions to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol to specify a standard way of accessing, managing, and sharing calendaring and scheduling information based on the iCalendar format. This document defines the "calendar-access" feature of CalDAV. CalConnect input
Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV RFC 6638 This document defines extensions to the Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) "calendar-access" feature to specify a standard way of performing scheduling operations with iCalendar-based calendar components. This document defines the "calendar-auto-schedule" feature of CalDAV. CalConnect
Additions and Extensions
CalDAV Managed Attachments RFC8607 This specification adds an extension to the Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) to allow attachments associated with iCalendar data to be stored and managed on the server. CalConnect
CalDAV: Time Zones by Reference RFC 7809 This document defines an extension to the CalDAV calendar access protocol to allow clients and servers to exchange iCalendar data without the need to send full time zone data. CalConnect
Locating CalDAV and CardDAV Services RFC 6764 This specification describes how DNS SRV records, DNS TXT records and well-known URIs can be used together or separately to locate Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV (CalDAV) or vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV) services. CalConnect input
Work in Progress
CalDAV: Calendar Sharing This specification defines sharing calendars between users on a CalDAV system. CalConnect
CalDAV Extension for scheduling controls This document adds headers to control and restrict the scheduling behaviour of CalDAV servers when updating calendaring resources. CalConnect
Collected Extensions to CalDAV This document defines a set of extensions to the CalDAV calendar access protocol. CalConnect
Also see WebDAV.
Base Standards
vCard Format Specification RFC 6350 This document defines the vCard data format for representing and exchanging a variety of information about individuals and other entities (e.g., formatted and structured name and delivery addresses, email address, multiple telephone numbers, photograph, logo, audio clips, etc.). This is the new version and obsoletes RFCs 2425, 2426, and 4770, and updates RFC 2739.
xCard: vCard XML Representation RFC 6351 This document defines the XML schema of the vCard data format.
vCard KIND:application RFC 6473 This document defines a value of "application" for the vCard KIND property so that vCards can be used to represent software applications.
vCard Format Extensions: ICANN Extensions for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) RFC 8605 This document defines extensions to the vCard data format for representing and exchanging contact information used to implement the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) operational profile for the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP)
vCard Format Extensions: place of birth, place and date of death RFC 6474 The base vCard 4.0 specification defines a large number of properties, including date of birth. This specification adds three new properties to vCard 4.0, for place of birth, place of death, and date of death.
vCard Format extension : represent vCard extensions defined by the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Converged Address Book (CAB) group RFC 6715 This document defines extensions to the vCard data format for representing and exchanging certain contact information. The properties covered here have been defined by the Open Mobile Alliance Converged Address Book group, in order to synchronize, using OMA Data Synchronization, important contact fields that were not already defined in the base vCard 4.0 specification.
vCard KIND:device RFC 6869 This document defines a value of "device" for the vCard KIND property so that the vCard format can be used to represent computing devices such as appliances, computers, or network elements (e.g., a server, router, switch, printer, sensor, or phone).
Parameter Value Encoding in iCalendar and vCard RFC 6868 This specification defines an extension to iCalendar and vCard data formats to allow parameter values to include certain characters forbidden by the existing specifications. CalConnect
jCard: The JSON format for vCard RFC 7095 This specification defines "jCard", a JSON format for vCard data. CalConnect
Additions and Extensions
Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP RFC 2739 This memo defines three mechanisms for obtaining a URI to a user’s calendar and free/busy time. These include manual transfer of the information, personal data exchange using the vCard format, and directory lookup using the LDAP protocol.
hCard 1.0 microformat hCard is a simple, open, distributed format for representing people, companies, organizations, and places, using a 1:1 representation of vCard (RFC2426) properties and values in semantic HTML or XHTML.
Work in Progress
vCard Service Type Parameter This document defines a "Service Type" parameter for use on various vCard properties to help clients distinguish between different types of communication services that may be using the same protocol, yet are distinct. CalConnect
vCard Format Extension: To Represent the Social Network Information of an Individual This document defines an extension to the vCard data format for representing and exchanging a variety of social network information.
Registration of vCard VERSION Property Values This document registers the existing vCard VERSION property values with IANA and contains some provisions on its generic syntax and use.
vCard representation of resources for calendaring and scheduling services This specification describes the vCard representation of resources for calendaring and scheduling. A resource in the scheduling context is any shared entity that can be scheduled by a calendar user, but does not control its own attendance status. CalConnect
Objectclass property for vCard This specification describes a new property for vCard Format Specification (RFC6350) to allow the specification of objectclasses. CalConnect
Schedulable Objectclass for vCard This specification describes a new property objectclass value for the vCard object class property defined in draft-vcard-objectclass allowing schedulable entities to be marked as such. CalConnect
Base Standards
CardDAV: vCard Extensions to Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) RFC 6352 This document defines extensions to the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) protocol to specify a standard way of accessing, managing, and sharing contact information based on the vCard format. CalConnect
Additional and Extensions
Work in Progress
CardDAV Address Book Sharing This specification sharing address books between users on a CardDAV system. CalConnect
CardDAV Directory Gateway Extension This document defines an extension to the vCard Extensions to WebDAV (CardDAV) protocol that allows a server to expose a directory as a read-only address book collection. CalConnect
Also see WebDAV
Base Standards
HTTP Extensions for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) RFC 4918 Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) consists of a set of methods, headers, and content-types ancillary to HTTP/1.1 for the management of resource properties, creation and management of resource collections, URL namespace manipulation, and resource locking (collision avoidance).
WebDAV Current Principal Extension RFC 5397 This specification defines a new WebDAV property that allows clients to quickly determine the principal corresponding to the current authenticated user.
Additional and Extensions
Binding Extensions to WebDAV RFC 4842 This specification defines bindings, and the BIND method for creating multiple bindings to the same resource. Creating a new binding to a resource causes at least one new URI to be mapped to that resource. Servers are required to ensure the integrity of any bindings that they allow to be created.
Collection Synchronization for WebDAV RFC 6578 This specification defines an extension to WebDAV that allows efficient synchronization of the contents of a WebDAV collection. CalConnect
Extended MKCOL for Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) RFC 5689 This specification extends the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) MKCOL (Make Collection) method to allow collections of arbitrary resourcetype to be created and to allow properties to be set at the same time.
Quota and Size Properties for Distributed Authoring and Versioning (DAV) Collections RFC 4331 This document discusses the properties and minor behaviors needed for clients to interoperate with quota (size) implementations on WebDAV repositories.
Use of the Prefer Header Field in Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) RFC 8144 This specification defines how the HTTP Prefer header can be used by a WebDAV client to request that certain behaviors be implemented by a server while constructing a response to a successful request. CalConnect
Using POST to Add Members to WebDAV Collections RFC 5995 This specification defines a discovery mechanism through which servers can advertise support for POST requests with the aforementioned "add collection member" semantics.
Versioning Extensions to WebDAV RFC 3253 This document specifies a set of methods, headers, and resource types that define the WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) versioning extensions to the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) SEARCH RFC 5323 This document specifies a set of methods, headers and properties composing WebDAV SEARCH, an application of the HTTP/1.1 protocol to efficiently search for DAV resources based upon a set of client-supplied criteria.
WebDAV Access Control Protocol RFC 3744 This specification extends the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol to support the server-side ordering of collection members.
WebDAV Current Principal Extension RFC 5397 This specification defines a new WebDAV property that allows clients to quickly determine the principal corresponding to the current authenticated user.
WebDAV Ordered Collections Protocol RFC 3648 This specification extends the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol to support the server-side ordering of collection members.
Work in Progress
DAV Server Information Object This specification describes a new XML object that can be retrieved from hosts to discover services, features and limits for that host or domain. CalConnect
Push Discovery and Notification Dispatch Protocol* This specification defines a framework and protocols for a push notification system that allows clients, application servers and push notification servers to interact with each other in a standardized manner. CalConnect
WebDAV: User Notifications This specification defines an extension to WebDAV that allows the server to provide notifications to users. CalConnect
WebDAV Resource Sharing This specification defines an extension to WebDAV that enables the sharing of resources between users on a WebDAV server. CalConnect
Base Standards
Date and Time on the Internet: Timestamps RFC 3339 This document defines a date and time format for use in Internet protocols that is a profile of the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar.
Procedures for Maintaining the Time Zone Database RFC 6557 Time zone information serves as a basic protocol element in protocols, such as the calendaring suite and DHCP. The Time Zone (TZ) Database specifies the indices used in various protocols, as well as their semantic meanings, for all localities throughout the world. This database has been meticulously maintained and distributed free of charge by a group of volunteers, coordinated by a single volunteer who is now planning to retire. This memo specifies procedures involved with maintenance of the TZ database and associated code, including how to submit proposed updates, how decisions for inclusion of those updates are made, and the selection of a designated expert by and for the time zone community. The intent of this memo is, to the extent possible, to document existing practice and provide a means to ease succession of the database maintainers.
Time Zone Data Distribution Service RFC 7808 This document defines a time zone data distribution service that allows reliable, secure and fast delivery of time zone data to client systems such as calendaring and scheduling applications or operating systems. CalConnect
The Time Zone Information Format (TZif) RFC 8536 This document defines the Time Zone Information File Format for representing and exchanging time zone information, independent of any particular service or protocol. A MIME media type for this format is also defined. CalConnect
Additions and Extensions
Work in Progress
Automated Service Configuration This specification describes how clients can discover multiple services to configure themselves with a minimum of user-provided information, as short as possible sequence of queries and with a minimum of overhead for administrators of the services. CalConnect
JSCalendar: A JSON representation of calendar data This specification defines a data model and JSON representation of calendar data that can be used for storage and data exchange in a calendaring and scheduling environment. It aims to be an alternative to the widely deployed iCalendar data format and to be unambiguous, extendable and simple to process. CalConnect
JSContact: A JSON representation of addressbook data This specification defines a data model and JSON representation of contact information that can be used for data storage and exchange in address book or directory applications. CalConnect
The Time Zone Data Distribution Service (TZDIST) Geolocate Extension This document defines an extension to the Time Zone Data Distribution Service (RFC 7808) to allow a client to determine the correct timezone for a geographic point location using a 'geo' URI (RFC 5870). CalConnect
Timezone XML Specification This specification describes a format for describing timezone information for software and services. CalConnect
WS-Calendar WS-Calendar is an OASIS cross-domain standard for passing schedule and interval information between and within services CalConnect input
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