How do I implement?
How do I test?
How do I implement?
How do I test?
Product Managers
How do I improve my product?
How do I involve my developers?
Standards Community
How do I influence?
How do I inform?
This page is a "cold call" to ask you to consider joining CalConnect. As you have already found your way to this web page, we think there is a very good chance that your organization and CalConnect would both benefit from your active participation as a member.
In a nutshell, CalConnect’s focus is interoperable calendaring and scheduling and related areas. Through promoting, advising, educating, and the work of our technical committees, we advance the state of interoperable calendaring and of interoperable scheduling, together with areas such as date and time management, digital addressing, etc.
We are a partnership between vendors of calendaring & scheduling systems and tools, and users of those tools. Our membership includes some of the world’s largest software development organizations, as well as emergent vendors and startups, end user organizations, interested individuals, and research universities. Our members believe that through the collegial interactions and collaborations among erstwhile competitors in the marketplace, everybody wins. Interoperability makes good products great products, and expands the market for these great products.
CalConnect is a 501(c)6 tax-exempt mutual benefit association incorporated in 2004. We are a member-driven organization – the agenda, the projects undertaken, the collaborations with other organizations, all result from the work of our TCs - technical committees, which are made up of and led by participants from our member organizations.
Although the original C&S standards are IETF RFCs, most of the calendaring and scheduling standards development and discussion in the last ten years have taken place in CalConnect. We maintain active liaisons with a number of ISO/IEC Technical Committees and other standards entities. In addition to our own standards, we are working with several ISO Technical Committees on joint projects and anticipate co-publication of standards in the future. We have collaborated and cooperated with the IETF and OASIS on CalDAV, RFC 5545 (iCalendar bis), iSchedule, calendaring web services, XML and JSON representations of iCalendar, timezone services, vCard 4.0 and CardDAV, to list some of our most recent work.
In addition to regular technical conferences each year, from time to time we hold workshops to bring together the CalConnect membership and other leading experts to explore specific technical areas, such as vCard and timezones.
We know how hard it is to sell you "cold", so, instead, we would like to help you sell yourself. Take a look at CalConnect, especially:
Our membership
Our mission
Our work products
Our policies
Our partnerships
Our activities
CalConnect’s success, and ultimately the success of our vision of interoperable calendaring depend on broad, engaged, diverse, and informed participation by those organizations developing calendaring and scheduling products, and those organizations which are using calendaring and scheduling products.
In short, if you are trying to solve a problem, find a solution, build a product, help drive the standards, or simply get to know the people driving calendaring & scheduling today, CalConnect is the organization at the center of calendaring & scheduling today.
You can attend one CalConnect Conference as an observer, without having yet become a member. Refer to observers for additional details on the terms and conditions for observer participation. In conjunction with our Conferences, we offer on-site Interoperability testing with other implementers.
If you find that enlightened self-interest compels you to become a member, or if you would simply like to learn more about CalConnect, please contact me:
Mike Douglass, Executive Director, CalConnect
+1 617 816 0041