
CalConnect is incorporated in the State of California as a 501 (c) 6 Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation. The affairs of the Corporation are managed by a Board of Directors. The primary purpose of the Board of Directors is to manage the affairs of the Corporation as a corporate entity. The Board of Directors is currently a maximum of seven members elected members.

The day-to-day affairs of the Consortium are managed by the Executive Director, who is responsible to the Board of Directors for the management of CalConnect

Technical Coordination Committee (TCC)

The TCC consists of the Chairs of the active Technical Committees and Provisional Committes, and functions as an ongoing status and coordination group for the Technical Committees under the guidance of the Board of Directors or its representative. The Chair of the TCC is appointed by the Board upon recommendation by the Chairs of the Technical Committees and after a periodic call to the membership for volunteers. The TCC meets by conference call and electronically on a regular basis as determined by the committee, generally weekly, to ensure that TC activities are monitored and guided as necessary. The TCC s also responsible for final approval for publication of Technical Committee documents which have passed Last Call status, and with planning for upcoming CalConnect events.

Technical Committees (TCs)

Any member of the Consortium may propose a Technical Committee, and nominate an individual to lead the TC if it is approved. Approval of a new Technical Committee is made by the TCC after reviewing the proposed scope of work, charter and schedule, and assessing the interest of the general membership in participating in the proposed TC. Members of CalConnect may join and participate in any TCs they choose. At the discretion of the Chair of a Technical Committee, and with the approval of the TCC, an outside expert not representing a member may be invited to participate in the work of the TC, on the grounds that the participation of the individual will greatly enhance the work of the TC and benefit CalConnect as a whole.

Technical Committees are generally expected to work electronically to ensure that all participants have an equal opportunity for involvement, but in person meetings of TCs may be held by mutual consent. CalConnect Conferences also offer an opportunity for TC meetings, with the advantage that any attendees at the Conference may participate in the TC meeting, thus giving a broader perspective on the issues being discussed.