Last Updated October 2020
Technical Committees are the technical working groups of CalConnect. A Technical Committee is established with a specific charter (scope of work), time frame, deliverables and expected schedule, and will disband when its scope of work is completed.
Provisional Committees may be established at a CalConnect Conference to explore a possible new work area of work and recommend whether CalConnect should move forward in that area, generally by forming a new Technical Committee. Provisional Committees are usually very short-lived, reporting out at the next Conference.
The work of Technical Committees and Provisional Committees is guided and coordinated by the Technical Coordination Committee (TCC).
Technical Committees generally produce CalConnect Work Products: Reports, Recommendations, specifications, code artifacts, etc. Technical Committees also produce draft specifications which may be published by CalConnect as a CalConnect Standard, and/or submitted to an external SDO for progression within that organization. Finally Technical Committees may also collaborate externally towards the development of material which will not become a CalConnect Work Product but may be part of some other joint effort. See CalConnect Resources for more information.
Representatives of CalConnect members may participate upon any Technical Committee by contacting the Chair of the TC. Members may propose new Technical Committees to address areas of work not currently under consideration, and may offer a Chair for a new TC (or PC).
For Closed Technical Committees please see Closed Technical Committees.
Technical Coordination Committee (TCC)
The TCC consists of the Chairs of the active Technical Committees and Provisional Committees, and functions as an ongoing status and coordination group for the Technical Committees under the guidance of the Board of Directors or its representative. The Chair of the TCC is appointed by the Board upon recommendation by the Chairs of the Technical Committees and after a periodic call to the membership for volunteers. The TCC meets by conference call and electronically on a regular basis as determined by the committee, generally weekly, to ensure that TC activities are monitored and guided as necessary. The TCC is also responsible for final approval for publication of Technical Committee documents which have passed Last Call status, and with planning for upcoming CalConnect events.
Technical committees
TC-API: Abstract API for calendaring and scheduling
Details: TC-API Charter
Develop an Abstract API for Calendaring and Scheduling.
TC-AUTODISCOVERY: Service autodiscovery
Autodiscovery of services based on internet standard protocols.
TC-CALENDAR: Calendar improvements and extensions
Details: TC-CALENDAR Charter
Improvements and extensions to iCalendar, CalDAV, and iTIP transports, including but not limited to: iCalendar diff/patch, more compact recurrences, extensions to tasks, consensus scheduling, best current practices for iMIP, and iTIP over HTTP (iSchedule).
TC-CALSPAM: Calendar spam prevention
Details: TC-CALSPAM Charter
The TC aims to understand the current and potential usage of calendar systems as a vector for delivering undesired information; devise measures and best practices for developers and operators of those systems to ensure legitimate usage.
TC-CLIENT: Calendar client perspective
Details: TC-CLIENT Charter
TC-CLIENT strives to put an emphasis on the calendar client perspective and to bring together developers of calendar clients and those interested in client-related topics.
TC-DATETIME: Date and time standards
Details: TC-DATETIME Charter
TC-DATETIME is the home for all date and time related work undertaken in CalConnect and between CalConnect and external liaison organizations.
TC-DEVGUIDE: Developer guides
Details: TC-DEVGUIDE Charter
Develop "cookbook" and supporting materials on how to use iCalendar and potentially other APIs such as CalDAV.
TC-LOCALIZATION: Localization standards
Details: TC-LOCALIZATION Charter
Enable standardization of localization technologies and approaches, and topics relevant to the usage of localization.
TC-PUBLISH: Document publication
Details: TC-PUBLISH Charter
Develop and maintain CalConnect document requirements and publication processes for CalConnect Standards and other public documents.
TC-PUSH: Push notifications
Details: TC-PUSH Charter
Define a generic framework for push notifications within CalDAV (and CardDAV).
TC-SHARING: Resource sharing
Details: TC-SHARING Charter
Extend the existing caldav-sharing and caldav-notifications specifications to support address books and other resource types.
TC-TESTER: Testing framework
Details: TC-TESTER Charter
Generalize and extend capabilities of the CalDAV/CardDAV Tester.
TC-UNITS: Contact information standards
Details: TC-UNITS Charter
Establish international standards for representation and encoding of units, quantities, and dimensions, and the mechanisms for encoding and interpretation of formulas that utilize units.
TC-VCARD: Contact information standards
Details: TC-VCARD Charter
Extend VCARD standards to support world-wide address formats and new capabilities.
Ad-hoc committees
iCal4J development
Develop a CalConnect version of iCal4J usable by all members and drive back into the mainline iCal4J.