Events & Activities
CalConnect Events
CalConnect holds two or three week-long events each year. Each event week consists of a four-day CalConnect Conference (Monday-Thursday or Tuesday-Friday). preceded or followed by a day for a special event such as a workshop, or open working and testing sessions. Testing opportunities are available both during the 4-day conference, and during the preceding or following day.
CalConnect also holds occasional Workshops, which are usually organized as part of the CalConnect Week. These may be members-only or open to the public.
CalConnect Conferences
CalConnect Conferences Specific information about upcoming Conferences can be found at
Future Events; generally the sessions and abstracts are available several weeks before each event on the event web page. The event pages for past events can be found at Past Events. Reports on past events may be found at Event Reports or the Standards Repository/Document Register.
Conference Fees Conference Registration Fees.
Conference Registration The Registration form for the upcoming Conference. This form is used for both member representatives and for observers.
Other CalConnect Activities
The technical work of CalConnect is largely done by Technical Committees.
Any member of CalConnect may propose a Technical Committee, and nominate an individual to Chair the TC if it is approved. Approval of a new Technical Committee is done by the TCC (Technical Coordination Committee) after reviewing the proposed scope of work, charter and schedule, and assessing the interest of the general membership of CalConnect in participating in the proposed TC. Member Representatives may join and participate in any TCs they choose. At the discretion of the Chair of a Technical Committee, and with the approval of the TCC, an outside expert not representing a member of CalConnect may be invited to participate in the work of the TC, on the grounds that the participation of the individual will greatly enhance the work of the TC and benefit CalConnect as a whole.
Technical Committees do most of their work between member meetings via conference calls, document editing, and collaborative work.
Technical Committees are generally expected to work electronically to ensure that all participants have an equal opportunity for involvement, but in person meetings of TCs may be held by mutual consent. Technical Committees also hold working sessions at CalConnect Conferences, with the advantage that any attendees at the Conference may participate in the TC meeting, thus giving a broader perspective on the issues being addressed.
On occasion, CalConnect will also form a Provisional (Ad Hoc) Committees to address specific issues where a Technical Committee is not called for or to explore a proposed area of work to determine whether CalConnect should create a Technical Committee or other activity to address it.
In the past, CalConnect also held separate Interoperability Test Events, generally but not always scheduled to precede a CalConnect Conference. As of late 2018 CalConnect no longer holds regular separate test events; rather, testing opportunities are made available during and jus before or after the CalConnect Conference.