
Although a number of calendaring standards and protocols exist, no overall calendaring architecture has been stated, and it must be inferred from the existing standards and protocols. A need exists for such a calendaring architecture in which new functionality can be developed to ensure compatibility with existing work, and which relates existing work to the architecture.


TC API will define and document a calendaring architecture encompassing the existing calendaring and scheduling standards and protocols, and develop an abstract calendar store API which encompasses all of the major functionality and the object model currently available in the base calendaring standards, CalDAV access and scheduling specifications, and key CalDAV/WebDAV extensions (e.g., sync REPORT), also taking into account the existing work on RESTful and SOAP APIs.

In addition the committee will align and extend the existing RESTful and SOAP APIs to implement a significant subset of that abstract API.

The design of the API will take into account the other work being done in CalConnect (support for new features like VPOLL, iSchedule etc., whilst not explicitly included should not be ruled out by design).

Out of Scope

  • Explicit fine-grained access control

  • Server-to-server-specific APIs

  • Account provisioning, discovery and management


  • A Calendaring Service Architecture and diagram

  • A CalConnect "7-things" document about the Abstract API

  • An abstract API for calendaring (a CalConnect Recommendation document)

  • A simple "instantiation" of the abstract API for webpages as an exemplar - either a CalConnect Proposal, or submitted to the IETF, OASIS or W3C

Begin and End Dates

  • Begin: March 2014

  • End: tbd

Milestones and Work Products

Period Milestone

February 2014

Present use cases/requirements/overview of Abstract API to CalConnect XXIX (API Ad Hoc)

March 2014

Develop and publish a 7-things document

May 2014

Present detailed abstract API at CalConnect XXX

September 2014

Present simple instantiation of API at CalConnect XXXI

January 2015

Publish Abstract API Recommendation document



September 2018

last call at IETF for JSCalendar

API Mailing List

You must be an employee of a Consortium member to be subscribed to this mailing list. You must be subscribed to the TC API mailing list to post messages to this mailing list.

Participation on the API mailing list will be in accordance with standard CalConnect practices and procedures.


Robert Stepanek, FastMail (

Please contact the Chair for more information or to join this Technical Committee.