CalConnect Interoperability Test Event:
The Interoperability Test Events are open to both members and non-members as participants or as observers; please see Next CalConnect Interoperability Test Event for current information. Check back often as this will be updated as more information becomes available.
Please Note: You do not need finished or polished code to participate in the Interoperability testing; in fact as soon as you have something working at all, testing against other participants can help debugging and code development, especially in identifying red herrings and wrong decisions.
CalConnect Conference XXXI: The CalConnect Conference will offer Technical Committee sessions, to which all members and observers are welcome, informal BOFs (Birds of a Feather sessions), plus additional sessions and committee meetings.
Friday afternoon will be the full Plenary meeting of the Consortium, open to all participants. This session will include report-outs from all Technical Committees, and establishment of future goals and directions for the Consortium.
Special Events: Two workshops will be held during the conference on Thursday and Friday mornings at 0830-1000, on History and Comment Feeds in iCalendar and on Groups Sharing and Scheduling respectively; see Workshops. Additional, a demo will be held during the TC FREEBUSY session on Thursday at 1100-1200 of inter-system consensus scheduling. The demo will feature multiple clients running on different servers (and implementations) performing consensus scheduling, based on VPOLL, iSCHEDULE, and jCAL.