CalConnect XVIII - May 24-28 2010

CalConnect Interoperability Test Event - 24-26 May and CalConnect Roundtable XVIII - 26-28 May

Carnegie Mellon University

Monday, May 24, 2010 to Friday, May 28, 2010

Recent Changes:

Information is current through May 12, 2010
30 Minute BOF on Interoperability added to Thursday afternoon

CalConnect XVIII, consisting of CalConnect Interoperability Test Events, and a CalConnect Roundtable (Members Meeting), will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Monday-Friday, May 24-28 2010, hosted by Carnegie Mellon University.

The Interoperability Test Events will take place all day Monday and Tuesday May 24-25, and Wednesday morning May 26, ending at noon. The Roundtable will begin with lunch at 12:30 on Wednesday the 26th, and last through early afternoon Friday the 28th. An optional Introductory Q & A about CalConnect, intended for first-time attendees, will be scheduled at 11:00 on Wednesday the 26th if we have first-time attendees.

CalConnect Interoperability Test Events: At this meeting, we will host both a regular CalConnect Interoperability Test Event and a Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Event. The IOP Test Events are open to both members and non-members as participants or as observers; please see Interoperability Test Event May 2010 and Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Event May 2010 for current information. Check back often as this will be updated as more information becomes available.

You do not need finished or polished code to participate in the IOP testing; in fact as soon as you have something working at all, testing against other participants can help debugging and code development, especially in identifying red herrings and wrong decisions.

Roundtable XVIII: The Roundtable Members Meeting will offer Technical Committee sessions, to which all members and observers are welcome, informal BOFs (Birds of a Feather sessions), plus additional sessions and committee meetings.

Friday afternoon will be the full Plenary meeting of the Consortium, open to all participants. This session will include report-outs from all Technical Committees, and establishment of future goals and directions for the Consortium.

International Visitors

International visitors who are not U.S. Citizens or hold a valid U.S. passport should acquaint themselves with any changes in U.S. travel and visitor policy since their last visit to the U.S. at Attendees who require a Letter of Invitation to obtain a visa should contact Dave Thewlis, CalConnect Executive Director, at Please be aware that you must have registered for the event before a Letter of Invitation can be issued.

Registration Information

Please see Registration and Payment Options to choose your registration type and payment option for the Roundtable and/or the CalConnect Interoperability Test Events. Note that you must register separately for the Roundtable and for the Test Events.You may register at any time for the next events.


The Interoperability Test Event and the Roundtable will take place on the campus of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We will be in Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall, Room 203, for the entire week. (The User Special Interest Group on Wednesday morning will be in the College of Fine Arts building nearby.) For a general map of the area showing the venue locations and conference hotels please see Carnegie Mellon University Area. For a map of the University Campus, please see Note that on this map the meeting venue, Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall, is Building 13, and the College of Fine Arts (USIG) is Building 5. Parking will be at the East Campus Parking Building, Building P7.


*Parking:*If you are driving, Parking will be in the East Campus Garage, shown as P7 on the Campus Map. It is charged hourly but capped at $10 per day.

*Hotel Shuttles and Walking:*The Holiday Inn is approximately a 15 minutes walk; the other hotels mentioned below are somewhat further. All hotels have hotel shuttles but cannot be scheduled in advance and would not be able to accommodate a large group of people traveling at the same time.

*Airport Information:*Pittsburgh is served by Pittsburgh International Airport:[]. The airport is approximately 20 miles from the University.

*Ground Transportation:*Information on rental cars, shuttles, and public transportation is available from the airport website; see the links at the bottom of the aiport website pages are not fully functional; use the ones at the top of the pages.)_Our host recommends the public transportation option for getting from and to the airport. The "28X" route is perfect, starting right on the CMU campus and also going past the Holiday Inn, and it costs less than $3 each way. The link provideed above covers the details.

*Considerations for international arrival and departure:*Pittsburgh is an International Airport and offers direct arrivals from and departures to international locations.


Carnegie Mellon Univesity has arranged a special CalConnect rate of $129/night with the Holiday Inn University Center, which will serve as our conference hotel. It is also the nearest to the meeting venue on the CMU campus, and is about 15 minutes' walk from Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall. You may book online with the hotel using the Group Code of CAC. You must book by May 14 to receive this rate.

There are other hotels in the immediate area although not as close to the meeting venue. Shadyside Inn also offers a preferred CMU rate, however the others do not.

Conference Hotel
Holiday Inn Pittsburgh @ University Center (Oakland)
100 Lytton Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: +1 412-682-6200
CalConnect rate $129/night if booked by May 14
Book online from the web page; specify Group Code CAC
Free wired internet in rooms; wifi in public areas

Marriott Courtyard Pittsburgh Shadyside
5308 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Phone: +1 412 683 3113

Shadyside Inn (all suites)
5405 5th Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15232
Phone: +1 412 441 4444

Springhill Suites Pittsburgh Bakery Square
134 Bakery Square Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
+1 412 362 8600
Hotel Opens May 8th

Wyndham Pittsburgh - University Place
3454 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Phone: +1 412 683 2040

Test Event Schedule

The IOP Test Event begins at 0800 Monday morning and runs all day Monday and Tuesday, plus Wednesday morning. The Roundtable begins with lunch on Wednesday and runs until early afternoon on Friday.

All sessions and events are in Room 203, Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall except for the User SIG meeting on Wednesday Morning. User SIG will be in the Kerr Conference Room (Room 201) of the College of Fine Arts building across the street.


Monday 24 May
0800-0830 Opening Breakfast
0830-1000 Testing
1000-1030 Break
1030-1230 Testing
1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1530 Testing
1530-1600 BOFs/Break
1600-1800 Testing

1900-2100 IOP Test Dinner
Food & Fuddle

Tuesday 25 May
0800-0830 Breakfast
0830-1000 Testing
1000-1030 Break
1030-1230 Testing
1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1530 Testing
1530-1600 Break
1600-1800 Testing

Wednesday 26 May
0800-0830 Breakfast
0830-1000 Testing
1000-1030 Break
1030-1200 Testing
1200-1230 Wrap-up
1230 End of IOP Testing

1230-1330 Lunch/Opening1

Conference Schedule

The IOP Test Event begins at 0800 Monday morning and runs all day Monday and Tuesday, plus Wednesday morning. The Roundtable begins with lunch on Wednesday and runs until early afternoon on Friday.

All sessions and events are in*Room 203, Margaret Morrison Carnegie Hall*except for the User SIG meeting on Wednesday Morning. User SIG will be in the Kerr Conference Room (Room 201) of the College of Fine Arts building across the street.


Wednesday 26 May
1000-1200 User Special Interest Group2
1100-1200 Introduction to CalConnect3
1230-1330 Lunch/Opening
1315-1330 IOP Test Report
1330-1430 TC EVENTPUB
1430-1530 TC RESOURCE
1530-1545 Break
1545-1715 TC XML
1715-1800 USIG Profile: CMU

1800-1930 Welcome Reception4
Danforth Lounge
University Ctr 2nd Floor

Thursday 27 May
0800-0830 Breakfast
0830-0930 TC CALDAV
0930-1100 ICS AD HOC
1100-1130 Break
1130-1230 TC USECASE
1230-1330 Lunch
1330-1430 TC iSCHEDULE
1430-1500 BOF: Interoperability
1500-1600 BOF: CalConnect Directions
1600-1630 Break
1630-1800 Steering Committee5

1930-2130 Group Dinner6
Monterey Bay Fish Grotto

Friday 28 May
0800-0830 Breakfast
0830-0930 TC MOBILE
0930-1030 TC FREEBUSY
1030-1100 Break
1100-1200 TC TIMEZONE
1200-1230 TC Wrapup
1230-1330 Working Lunch
1230-1400 CalConnect Plenary Session
1400 Close of Meeting

1The Wednesday lunch is for all participants in the IOP Test Events and/or Roundtable
2The User Special Interest Group will meet in Room 201 (Kerr Conference room) in the College of Fine Arts building across the street from the main venue.
3The Introduction to CalConnect is an optional informal Q&A session for new attendees (observers or new member representatives)
4All Roundtable and/or IOP Test Events participants are invited to the Wednesday evening reception
5Member reprsentatives not on the Steering Committee are invited to attend the SC meeting. This meeting is closed to Observers
6All Roundtable participants are invited to the group dinner on Thursday

Breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon breaks will be served to all participants in the Roundtable and the IOP test events and are included in your registration fees.

Topical Agendas

Internet Calendar Subscription Ad Hoc
Thu 0930-11000
1. Overview
1.1 Draft Charter
2. Parallel with Feed Subscription
2.1 Ecosystem, Use Cases, Technology
3. Internet Calendar Subscription
3.1 Ecosystem, Use Cases, Technology
4. Open Discussions
4.1 Identify Pain Points
4.2 Identify Action Items
5. Moving Forward
5.1 Next steps

TC CALDAV Thu 0830-0930
1. Overview
1.1 Charter
2. Progress and Status Update
2.1 IETF
2.2 CalConnect
3. Open Discussions
3.1 Calendar Alarms
4. Moving Forward
4.1 Plan of Action
4.2 Next Conference Calls

TC EVENTPUB Wed 1330-1430
1. Overview of activities since February
2. Presentation on REFERENCE draft and status
3. Intersections with TC XML and TC RESOURCE
4. Next steps and recruitment

TC FREEBUSY Fri 0930-1030
1. Scenarios for consensus scheduling
2. Call for implementations
3. Parallels to "smart grid bidding" (TC-XML)
4. Going forward; plan of action
5. Next Conference Calls

TC IOPTEST Wed 1315-1330
Review of IOP tests participant findings

TC iSCHEDULE Thu 1330-1500
1. Overview
1.1 Charter
2. Open Discussions
2.1 DomainKeys Identified Mail
3. Moving Forward
3.1 Plan of Action
3.2 Next Conference Calls
TC MOBILE Fri 0830-0930
1. Update on TC activities
2. Report on Mobile Calendaring IOP Test Event
3. Outreach efforts
4. Next steps
5. Next TC call

TC RESOURCE Wed 1430-1530
1. Schema for representing calendar resources
1.1 Draft published
1.2 Upcoming implementations
2. Future direction for TC RESOURCE
2.1 Discussion topics: ease of discover and use of resources
2.1.1 CardDAV
2.1.2 CalDAV (especially scheduling)
3. Next call

TC TIMEZONE Fri 1100-1200
1. Progress Report
2. Open discussion: passing Timezones by reference
(impacts on iCalendar and CalDAV)
3. Next Steps
4. Next TC Call

TC USECASE Thu 1130-1230
1. Discuss Glossary Revision
2. Discuss Non-Institutional/Non-Enterprise Usecases

TC XML Wed 1545-1715
1. Status of "xCal" specification
2. Presentation on CalWS
3. Status of OASIS and WS-CALENDAR
4. Next steps and calls

USIG Profile: UCI Wed 1715-1800
Presentation on CMU
Calendaring implementation,
Needs and Concerns