TC iSCHEDULE Thu 1330-1500
1. Overview
1.1 Charter
2. Open Discussions
2.1 DomainKeys Identified Mail
3. Moving Forward
3.1 Plan of Action
3.2 Next Conference Calls
TC MOBILE Fri 0830-0930
1. Update on TC activities
2. Report on Mobile Calendaring IOP Test Event
3. Outreach efforts
4. Next steps
5. Next TC call
TC RESOURCE Wed 1430-1530
1. Schema for representing calendar resources
1.1 Draft published
1.2 Upcoming implementations
2. Future direction for TC RESOURCE
2.1 Discussion topics: ease of discover and use of resources
2.1.1 CardDAV
2.1.2 CalDAV (especially scheduling)
3. Next call
TC TIMEZONE Fri 1100-1200
1. Progress Report
2. Open discussion: passing Timezones by reference
(impacts on iCalendar and CalDAV)
3. Next Steps
4. Next TC Call
TC USECASE Thu 1130-1230
1. Discuss Glossary Revision
2. Discuss Non-Institutional/Non-Enterprise Usecases
TC XML Wed 1545-1715
1. Status of "xCal" specification
2. Presentation on CalWS
3. Status of OASIS and WS-CALENDAR
4. Next steps and calls
USIG Profile: UCI Wed 1715-1800
Presentation on CMU
Calendaring implementation,
Needs and Concerns