TC MOBILE Fri 1600-1700
1. Review of TC Mobile’s charter and summary of work and accomplishments
2. Discussion of interop results and issues as they pertain to mobile calendaring
3. Directions for TC Mobile going forward
TC RESOURCE Wed 1700-1800
1. Introduction
1.1 TC Charter
1.2 Accomplishments
1.3 Resource schema draft status 2. Open Discussions
2.1 Resource scheduling implementations today
2.2 Resource scheduling, client wish list
2.3 Possible DAV extensions for easier and standardized Resource scheduling
3. Future of TC
TC TIMEZONE Thu 1430-1530
1. Introduction:
1.1 Charter
1.2 Background to the work
1.3 Size and correctness of the data
2. Timezone Service
2.1 Data sources (Olson)
2.2 Draft specification
2.3 Data formats
3. Implications for servers and clients
3.1 Timezones by reference
3.2 Advertising services used
TC USECASE Thu 1600-1700
1. TC-UseCase Charter
2. Summary of Previous Work
3. Present Work
3.1 Usecases for Transfer of Ownership
3.2 Usecases for Freebusy
3.3 Usecases for Data Persistence
4. Next steps
5. Next conference calls — Call for Participation
TC XML Fri 1400-1530
1. Introduction
1.1 Charter
1.2 Summary
2. iCalendar in JSON
3. CalDAV/CardDAV content negotiation
4. Interoperability testing of XML data formats
5. Moving Forward
5.1 Plan of action
5.2 Next conference calls