General Information

CalConnect Nottingham Rescheduled to October 18-22, 2021

The CalConnect Nottingham Conference has been rescheduled again, to October 18-22, 2021. All other arrangements (host, venue, conference hotel) remain unchanged. The Board has reached this decision after reviewing the current status of the pandemic, as available from the WHO and CDC, and concluded that the chance of having a successful in-person conference before mid-2021 is still very slim.

Registration is now open for CalConnect XLVI in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, October 7-11, 2019, hosted by FastMail

The CalConnect XLVI web page is located at link:/events/calconnect-xlvi-october-7-11-2019 and contains lodging information, airport and transfer information, and meeting venue. The CalConnect Conference itself will be four days, Monday-Thursday, October 7-10, 2019. Friday October 11 will be a joint work and testing day for those who wish to stay through Friday.

CalConnect publishes Calendar Spam Best Current Practices

TC-CALSPAM, the CalConnect Calendar Spam Technical Committee, is happy to announce that it has released its Best Current Practices Report [Calendar operator practices — Guidelines to protect against calendar abuse (CC/R 18003:2019)] to publication today.

CalConnect calls on EU to reconsider timeline for proposed seasonal time changes

The European Commission has proposed to discontinue daylight saving time (DST), effective October 2019. Several governments and organizations have since expressed concerns about such a tight timeline for the far-reaching change. CalConnect shares these concerns and recommends the European Commission extend the timelines stated in the proposal.

From Our President CalConnect XXXVIII in Irvine, California

This was the second time that the University of California, Irvine hosted a CalConnect event. UCI stipulates on its website 'We believe that true progress is made when different perspectives come together to advance our understanding of the world around us. And we enlighten our communities and point the way to a better future.'. Compare that to CalConnect’s mission 'Our purpose is to improve all aspects of calendaring and scheduling [..] collaborating with other organizations with similar goals, and conducting periodic conferences [..] in a collegial atmosphere.' and it is clear that UCI was and is in a perfect position to host .. a place where colleagues and competitors come together solve common problems.

An Ode to WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV has just published an excellent feature on the origins and evolution of WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV, and the activites and work of, and also of CalConnect in furthering WebDAV and related specifications and extensions.

What is Calendar spam?

Around last year’s Black Friday calendar spam was bothering many users of Apple’s iCloud as well as other mail providers e.g., as a wave of calendar spam hit the affected users and left them with unwanted, unwelcome, undesired obligations in their private and business use calendars without good ways to get rid of them.

Meet Cronofy

How did Cronofy start? Cronofy, like many companies, was born out of the frustration of one of the founders. Adam (Bird), perpetually annoyed that managing his schedule was such a manual chore, undertook research to understand what was involved in connecting his calendar to business applications. He and Garry (Schutler) concluded that a single API, optimised specifically for application to calendar interoperability had the opportunity to dramatically reduce the work required for developers. Easier to integrate meant more applications integrated and thus more people benefiting from schedule optimisation and more automated management. We are giving people time.

New Properties for iCalendar Announced as RFC 7986

The IETF has announced that New Properties for iCalendar, a CalConnect specification submitted to the IETF, has been approved and published as RFC 7986. This document defines a set of new properties for iCalendar data and extends the use of some existing properties to the entire iCalendar object.

CalConnect Announces TESTER Technical Committee

A new Technical Committee, TC TESTER, has been formed to improve testing tools for CalDAV and CardDAV. The TC is building on the CalDAV Tester from the Apple Darwin site, making it less vendor-specific and defining smaller sets of tests to target specific features, provide a quick regression test, or allow exclusion or inclusion of individual tests. New tests can then be developed in parallel with the creation or extension of standards. A long term possibility could be to evolve the new tools into a reference client for CalDAV and CardDAV servers. See

CalDAV and CardDAV Protocol/Implementations Websites Superceded

For some time CalConnect has supported two protocol and implementation oriented sites, and These sites provides some information about the protocols themselves but their primary purpose has been to list implementations of the protocols (client, server, libraries, services). As the non-implementation sections of these sites duplicate information available elswehere, CalConnect has migrated the implementations information to the CalDAV and CardDAV sections of the new CalConnect Calendar Developers Guide. Information is also provided on how to contribute, or provide feedback, for those wishing to have their implementations added to the Guide.

From Our President CalConnect XXXVII in Dresden

In beautiful late summer weather dmfs hosted CalConnect XXXVII at Schloss Eckberg, one of three castles built about 160 years ago at the border of the Elbe River in Dresden. I always look forward to meeting my fellow Calendaring and Scheduling companions from around the world. In this case 23 people from 14 companies, 11 countries and 4 continents. Server/client vendors, student, tech-giants, SME’s and 3 first time attendees…​ a truly diverse turn up.

CalConnect Revises Membership Categories and Dues, Event Fees

In April 2013 we introduced the emergent vendor category for aspiring members. The introduction met our objectives, which were to encourage membership and to increase participation at CalConnect events. There are now 11 members who went through or are in these categories. Nevertheless, there is room for further improvement. One side of those improvements concerns the fee structure. We have made the fee structure simpler and updated membership and conference fees.

CalConnect Welcomes Open-Xchange

CalConnect welcomes Open-Xchange to the Consortium. Open-Xchange, headquartered in Palo Alto, California, offers OX App Suite, a device independent, highly scalable middleware platform that integrates messaging, collaboration and third-party cloud-based applications into a single browser interface.

CalConnect Welcomes Spherical Cow Group

CalConnect welcomes Spherical Cow Group to the Consortium. Spherical Cow Group, based in New York, NY, is an IT consultancy particularly around calendaring and identity management.

CalConnect Welcomes Jorte

CalConnect welcomes Jorte to the Consortium. Jorte Inc, based in Tokyo Japan, is a software development company focused on the Jorte app and its affiliate services.

CalConnect Welcomes FastMail

CalConnect welcomes FastMail as a member of the Consortium. FastMail, based in Melbourne, Australia, is a hosted e-mail service with additional features including calendaring support.

CalConnect Welcomes SmoothSync

CalConnect welcomes SmoothSync as a member of the Consortium. SmoothSync, based in Dresden, Germany, offers a synchronization tool for Android apps syncing with iCloud and Yahoo.

CalConnect Welcomes Burbio

CalConnect welcomes Burbio as a member of the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. Burbio, based in Pelham, New York, offers a calendar sharing and synchronization platform built for local communities such as suburban towns.

CalConnect Welcomes 1&1

CalConnect welcomes 1&1 Internet AG as a member of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. 1&1, based in Montbaur, Germany, offers internet and portal services to customers in Europe and elsewhere. 1&1 is a member of United Internet.

Developers' Guides for CalDAV and CardDAV clients

SabreDAV have provided links to two new documents on creating a CalDAV client and creating a CardDAV client. While they reference SabreDAV they are general enough to be readily applicable to the server of your choice. You can find the links, and other useful links, at our Developers Page in the RESOURCES section of the CalConnect website.

CalConnect welcomes MedRed

CalConnect welcomes MedRed LLC as a member of the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. MedRed, based in Washington, DC, makes innovative, high quality informatics software for healthcare providers and patients.

Workshop on Veterans Administration Scheduling System at CalConnect XXX on May 21, 2014 -- Agenda & Participants

CalConnect was founded almost 10 years ago as a collaboration between calendaring and scheduling vendors and users, to further interoperability between calendaring and scheduling implementations, and work towards this purpose by driving the evolution of calendaring and scheduling standards through technical committee work, holding regular interoperability testing events, and hosting regular conferences, workshops and symposia focused on calendaring and scheduling.

Observations from CalConnect XXIX in San Francisco

CalConnect held its twenty-ninth interoperability test event and Roundtable Technical Conference the week of February 3-7 in San Francisco, California. The event was hosted by CalConnect founding member Mozilla, which did a great job with not only the event logistics, but also making everyone feel very welcome, which was reflected in the very strong attendance at these events.

CalConnect Welcomes

CalConnect welcomes as a member of the Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium., based in Red Beach, New Zealand, offers server protocol software for java, catering for WebDAV, CalDAV and CardDAV.

Is CalConnect Right for You? Are you Right for CalConnect?

Earlier this week, we welcomed Ribose as the newest CalConnect member, and our first member organization based in Asia. Including Ribose, five organizations have joined CalConnect since we announced our new membership fees and categories in April of this year.

CalConnect Welcomes Ribose

CalConnect welcomes Ribose as a member of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. Ribose Inc, based in Hong Kong, offers a social collaboration platform for consumers.

CalConnect Welcomes Atlas

CalConnect welcomes Atlas as a member of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. Atlas, headquartered in Santa Monica, California, develops scheduling applications for IOS and Android.

“Making Google's CalDAV and CardDAV APIs available for everyone”

Google announced earlier this week an update, clarification and expansion of their earlier “spring cleaning” announcement about CalDAV. . Piotr Stanczyk, the blogger, is Google’s primary representative to CalConnect, as he mentioned in his blog, and is here this week at CalConnect XXVII at the University of Wisconsin.

CalConnect Welcomes Software AG

CalConnect welcomes Software AG as a member of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. Software AG, headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany, is a worldwide provider of ERM, Business Process Management, and related software and services.

CalConnect Welcomes SchedJoules

CalConnect welcomes SchedJoules as a member of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. SchedJoules, headquartered in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, offers an online public calendar store.

CalConnect Welcomes BusyMac

CalConnect welcomes BusyMac as a member of The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. BusyMac, headquartered in Bainbridge Island, Washington, develops calendaring products for MacOS.

Making Digital Calendars Smarter

Earlier this week, Jason Snell posted an article on Macworld titled Why Aren’t Digital Calendars Smarter?. From CalConnect’s perspective it is particularly notable that, although many of Jason’s suggestions have been implemented in one product or another, they are not common features across many products, and certainly not standardized. Even when a function is implemented in more than one product, there is usually not much commonality in how it’s done and how it looks.

About CalConnect's New Membership Categories and Fees

Earlier this week, we announced new membership categories and interoperability test event fees. We have been discussing and shaping these changes, the first since CalConnect was established in 2005, for the past 6 months. We want to share with our members and non-members alike what motivated these changes, and what we hope they will accomplish.

Reports on CalConnect XXVI

Reports on the recent CalConnect XXVI Roundtable and Interoperability Test Event, hosted by Oracle in Santa Clara, California, January 28-February 1, 2013, have been published on the CalConnect website.

CalConnect Calendar Developers and System Administrators Public Discussion Lists

CalConnect offers two general public discussion lists for calendaring and scheduling, one primarily for calendaring system developers and one for system administrators of calendaring and scheduling systems. Each list has a home page on the CalConnect website with information about the purpose of the list, charter and rules of use, and a link to subscribe, maintain, and unsubscribe. Each list has well over 100 subscribers.

CalConnect Returns to Europe and to Prague

CalConnect will hold its Autumn, 2013 Interoperability Test Event and Technical Conference (Roundtable) on September 23-27, 2013 in Prague, Czech Republic, hosted by DHL Express at its ITS Data Center. Our Autumn 2011 event was hosted by Kerio Technologies in Prague, and we will very much enjoy returning to one of Europe’s most charming cities.

Interoperable Calendaring means never, never, ever having to enter an appointment on more than one machine

In the context of CalConnect’s mission, to advance interoperable calendaring & scheduling in practical and useful ways, one of our major activities is to promote open-standards based calendaring and scheduling to the general public as well as the information technology industry. From time to time, we receive unsolicited help in bringing our message to the general public, such as David Pogue’s column in last week’s New York Times, “Bringing the Calendar Up to Date” (

Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms Updated

Version 2.1 of the Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms has been published. Version 2.1 adds 20 new terms including Autodiscovery, Consensus Scheduling, Event Publication, Managed Attachment, Timezone Service, VAVAILABILITY and VPOLL.

Registration is now open for CalConnect XXVI, January 28-February 1, 2013

Registration is now open for CalConnect XXVI, January 28 — February 1, 2013, hosted by Oracle in Santa Clara, California. Monday and Tuesday all day and Wednesday morning will be the Interoperability Test Event; Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday will be the CalConnect Roundtable Technical Conference.

VTODO Ad Hoc Committee Established

CalConnect has established an Ad Hoc Committee to review the state of the VTODO component of iCalendar, together with outstanding requirements and use cases from other current work. The committee is to report out at Roundtable XXVI and will recommend possible future work in this area to CalConnect.

CalConnect Roundtable XXV in Zurich

Our CalConnect events generally consist of two parts; the first half of the week is interoperability testing, and the last half is the Roundtable Technical Conference. At CalConnect XXV in Zurich, our second full CalConnect event in Europe, nearly everyone who participated in the interoperability testing stayed for the Roundtable, and we had a few additional participants, making a total of 26 at the Roundtable, of which 17 were European, overall representing 11 members and 5 observers (prospective members).

Aggregated Service Discovery

CalConnect’s AUTODISCOVERY Technical Committee has submitted the initial draft of a specification on Aggregated Service Discovery for clients and mobile devices to the IETF.

Registration is open for CalConnect XXIV May 21-25, 20012, Chattanooga, Tennessee

Registration is now open for CalConnect XXIV, May 21-25, 2012, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, hosted by Patricia Egen Consulting. Please see CalConnect XXIV for logistics and registration information. As usual, the first 2.5 days will be the Interoperability Test Event; the remainder of the week (Wednesday lunch through Friday mid-afternoon) will be the Roundtable Technical Conference. Early booking at the conference hotel is recommended as the block rate expires on 3 May or when the block is exhausted, whichever happens first.

CalConnect will return to Europe in Autumn 2012

Based on the success of our first European CalConnect event (October in Prague), we have decided that our Autumn 2012 event will also be in Europe, and are actively seeking hosting proposals. The dates are probably October 1-5 (at the host’s convenience it might move a week or two earlier or later), and will be decided, along with the location, once the host is identified. We hope to find a host and identify the location and exact dates as soon as possible, and will report progress on this blog. Hope to see you in Europe next Autumn!

Vetting iCalendar files

In my blog post of December 27, 2010, In calendaring, success means the right thing, the right way!, I talked about downloading iCalendar .ics files from university sports web sites, and importing these events into different calendaring systems to ascertain whether the event data was interpreted the same way in each system. I discovered that more often than not, the events were not represented as intended as they did not conform to, or fully exploit the capabilities of, the iCalendar specification. I concluded that post with “It is well worth your while to run through the exercise of exporting your public events, and importing them into the more widely used calendaring systems to ensure that you have, indeed, done the right thing the right way.”

Friday afternoon; wrapping up CalConnect XXII in Prague

The meeting is drawing to a close with the last Technical Committee session, followed by the wrapup and our Plenary meeting. It’s been a great five days, although quite tiring as always. We are very happy with the European involvement, including the presence of representatives from four non-members, which has injected new perspectives and concerns into the technical discussions to the benefit of everyone.

CalConnect is coming to Europe this October

We are excited and very pleased to announce our first full CalConnect conference in Europe! If you are interested in Calendaring and Scheduling, in the standards and technologies — if you want a chance to do interoperability testing against other implementations — if traveling to North America to do so hasn’t been practical — here’s your opportunity. And we are offering extremely attractive special one-time registration fees for non-members.

Schedule optimization and finding habitable planets; The Kepler Mission

At Roundtable XXI last week at NASA Ames, Charlie Sobek, the Kepler Mission Deputy Project Manager, gave us a presentation on the Kepler Mission to find habitable planets. The presentation highlighted the scheduling and mission optimization issues facing the project, including issues such as scheduling time between multiple projects on the Deep Space Network and the challenges of managing the spacecraft over a multi-year mission, such as changes in the networks, missions and priorities and how these are resolved.

CalConnect Adopts Creative Commons and Apache Licenses

CalConnect will now publish new and updated documents and other material under a Creative Commons license or, for code artifacts such as schemas, the Apache 2 License, replacing its prior terms of document availability. The intent is to make it as easy as possible for CalConnect material to be used, by publishing under standard and universal license terms. Please see Copyright and Licensing for Published Material for more information.

Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms published

CalConnect and TC USECASE have published Version 2 of the Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms. This is a major revision of the first version, originally published in 2006, and includes over 75 terms used in calendaring and scheduling today. External references to relevant standards and specifications are included in the online version.

Calendaring in a Public University

Associate Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer Shel Waggener ( addressed the CalConnect Roundtable XX attendees as part of the group’s tradition of having the host organization supply an overview of calendaring issues that are important to it. Shel touched on many aspects related to calendaring at the University of California, some unique to its role and composition as a public, heterogeneous institution and some where the University is experiencing calendaring pains now that will soon be experienced by many organizations.

CalConnect XX a great success

CalConnect holds three IOP test events and Roundtables (members' meeting) each year, and last week it was hosted by the University of California, Berkeley. The interoperability test event featured two mobile CalDAV calendars, one from Andrew McMillan for Android (aCal) and one from Nokia, plus a new Project Management tool from The Omni Group, OmniPlan, implemented as a CalDAV client.

“The Times, They Are a-Changin”

Although I promised in my most recent posting, “Read Any Good Timezones Lately”, that I had left the topic of timezones behind, an editorial in the January 23, 2011 New York Times, “Time Banditry”, leads me to renege on that short-lived promise.

Check out CalConnect at CalConnect XX in February

Even if your organization is not currently a member of CalConnect, our upcoming event, CalConnect XX, in February is a perfect opportunity to learn more about CalConnect, and our activities, first hand. As the Bay Area is local to many of you, attending these events, hosted this time at UC Berkeley, would be very convenient.

Read any good timezones lately?

“I believe that the time is ripe for significantly better documentation of programs, and that we can best achieve this by considering programs to be works of literature” — Donald Knuth, 1984

In calendaring, success means the right thing, the right way!

CalConnect is focused on the interoperable exchange of calendaring and scheduling information between dissimilar programs, platforms, and technologies. The Consortium’s mission is to promote general understanding of and provide mechanisms to allow interoperable calendaring and scheduling methodologies, tools and applications to enter the mainstream of computing.

Timezones and how they get that way

With this weekend’s transition in the U.S. from Daylight Saving Time to Standard Time, let’s resume the discussion of timezones we started in a posting earlier this month on this blog, “Shifting Time Zones on Online Calendars — A CalConnect Perspective”. One of the way stations in our journey to understanding the issues raised in David Pogue’s New York Times' posting of October 13th, “Shifting Time Zones on Online Calendars” is understanding timezones at a high level.

CalConnect XIX underway at IBM/Lotus

CalConnect XIX is underway at IBM/Lotus in Littleton, MA. Today, tomorrow and Wednesday morning are the interoperability test event; Wednesday-Friday will be Roundtable XIX. Our thanks to IBM/Lotus for hosting this event.

CalWS-Rest Restful Web Services Protocol for Calendaring published

The XML Technical Committee has published CalWS-Rest Restful Web Services Protocol for Calendaring. This work was undertaken in conjunction with the OASIS WS CALENDAR Technical Committee and will become a component of the WS-Calendar specification, in addition to being progressed within CalConnect as a calendaring operations API for web services. Please see CalWS-Rest Restful Web Services Protocol for Calendaring.

TC MOBILE Interoperability Test Event Report published

The TC MOBILE Interoperability Event Report discussing the May 2010 Interoperability Test Event has been published. This report offers a broad public overview of the Mobile Calendar Interoperability Test Event and is complementary to the regular CalConnect Interoperability Test Event May 2010 Public Report. Please see TC MOBILE Interoperability Test Event Report.

May 2010 CalConnect Interoperability Test Event Report Published

The public report from the CalConnect Interoperability Test Event on May 24-26 2010 has been published. This test event included both a “regular” test event and a Mobile Calendaring test event focused on ActiveSync. The test event was hosted by Carnegie Mellon University in conjunction with Roundtable XVIII. Please see May 2010 CalConnect Interoperability Test Event Report.

Member Focus; dotCal

dotCal is an Internet marketing service that helps consumers and businesses communicate event information across a variety of calendar programs. It is one of the first companies in this space that relies completely on today’s standards, including CalDav and iCalendar 2.0. By doing so, dotCal lives the mission of interoperability fostered by CalConnect.

New Member Focus Service

CalConnect is expanding the Member News service on our blog. The addition is a Member Focus service—a short introduction on the blog to a specific CalConnect member. It will include links to more information about the member, and possibly a significant press release or set of releases about a topic of interest to our members.

Report on Roundtable XVIII

A brief report on Roundtable XVIII, hosted by Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 24-28, 2010, has been posted to the website. This report gives an overview of the Roundtable, and the regular and mobile calendaring interoperability test events which preceded it.

Cal-WS Web Services API draft available for Public Review

CalConnect and the XML Technical Committee have made the in-progress work document, Cal-WS Web Services API for Calendaring and Scheduling, available for 30-day Public Review and Comment. This work has been undertaken in conjunction with the NIST Smart Grid Standards Roadmap effort and with OASIS and the OASIS WS-Calendar Technical Committee.

Resource Schema for calendaring and scheduling services published

TC RESOURCE has published its Schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling services, and the proposal has been submitted to the IETF as an Internet Draft. Please see Resource Schema. This proposal describes a schema for representing resources for calendaring and scheduling. A resource in the scheduling context is any shared entity that can be scheduled by a calendar user, but does not control its own attendance status.

Only 4 weeks to CalConnect XVIII

It is now only 4 weeks to CalConnect XVIII, May 24-28 at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh — and only 2 weeks until Early Registration (for the Roundtable) ends on the 9th. As of Monday the 10th the registration fee will increase from $350 to $395.

CalConnect Minutes from Roundtable XVII

CalConnect Minutes is the CalConnect newsletter published after each CalConnect Roundtable. Each edition contains information from the previous Roundtable and IOP Test Event plus articles and guest contributions. It is intended for CalConnect members and for others interested in CalConnect and in calendaring and scheduling.

Registration opens for CalConnect XVIII May 24-28 2010

Registration is now open for CalConnect XVIII, May 24-28, 2010, at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. This week will include both a regular and a mobile calendaring interoperability test event, and a Roundtable (members' meeting). Please see CalConnect XVIII for logistics and registration information.

CalConnect XXII to be held at Kerio Technologies in the Czech Republic

CalConnect has accepted the offer of Kerio Technologies to host its twenty-second Roundtable and Interoperability Test Event. CalConnect XVII will be held in the Autumn of 2011 (late September or early October) at Kerio Technologies, in Plzen, Czech Republic. This will be the first full CalConnect Week to be held outside of North America, although CalConnect has held a Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Event and two Meet CalConnect introductory events in Europe in the past two years.

Report on Roundtable XVII

A brief report on CalConnect Roundtable XVII and the associated Interoperability Test Event, held February 1-5, 2010, at the University of California at Irvine, has been posted at Roundtable XVII.

CalConnect to hold Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Event

CalConnect will hold a Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Event at CalConnect XVIII from February 1-2, 2010, in parallel with the regular Interoperability Test Event. This event will be focused primarily on synchronization of mobile devices via ActiveSync and/or SyncML, based on the CalConnect Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Suite. Please see Mobile Calendaring IOP Test Event for further information and the testing schedule. Please see CalConnect XVII for logistics and registration information.

Registration Opens for CalConnect XVII, Feb 1-5, 2010

Registration is now open for CalConnect XVIII, February 1-5, 2010. CalConnect XVII will be hosted by the University of California at Irvine, Irvine, California. Logistics and registration information may be found at CalConnect XVII.

OASIS joins CalConnect

OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Systems, has joined CalConnect as part of a reciprocal membership agreement between the two organizations.

CalConnect Minutes from Roundtable XVI

CalConnect Minutes is the CalConnect newsletter published after each CalConnect Roundtable. Each edition contains information from the previous Roundtable and IOP Test Event plus articles and guest contributions. It is intended for CalConnect members and for others interested in CalConnect and in calendaring and scheduling.

Calendaring & Scheduling Developers Discussion List

CalConnect has launched a public discussion list intended for Calendaring and Scheduling systems developers and kindred spirits. More information and a link to subscribe to the list may be found at Calendaring Developers Discussion List. (The link has been corrected.)

Only four weeks to CalConnect XVI!

CalConnect XVI, the week of October 5th at Apple in Cupertino, California, is only four weeks away! If you are planning to come to the Roundtable, register before September 15th to take advantage of the early registration price break. And remember, the conference hotel is small, so book your room now before the hotel fills up. Details on the logistics page at CalConnect XVI.

Report on Roundtable XV

A brief report on Roundtable XV, hosted by Oracle in Redwood Shores, California, on June 3-5, 2009, has been posted on the CalConnect website

TC XML has published “iCalendar XML Representation”

TC XML has published its Proposal for iCalendar XML Representation, and the proposal has been submitted to the IETF as an Internet Draft. Please see iCalendar XML Representation. This Proposal defines an XML format that allows iCalendar data to be converted to XML, and then back to iCalendar, without losing any semantic meaning in the data.

CalConnect publishes Proposal for Freebusy Read URL

CalConnect’s FREEBUSY Technical Committee has just published a Proposal* for Freebusy Read URL. This Proposal defines a standardized form of Freebusy Read URL to improve interoperability between client and server implementations, while extending the functionality and utility through the use of optional parameters. Please see Freebusy Read URL.

Member News Announcements

The CalConnect Blog will be publishing short announcements from our members about significant news and events in the calendaring space. This may include but will not be limited to product announcements, and the intent is to try and provide a useful feed for calendaring-related information to interested parties. These posts will consist of short summaries and links to actual documents, press releases, blogs, and so forth.

A two-fer in June -- attend CalConnect, then WWDC

Apple’s WorldWide Developers' Conference was just set for the second week of June (8-12), the week following CalConnect XV at Oracle in Redwood Shores. A grand chance to combine two trips and take a holiday weekend in-between in the Bay Area!

Host and location set for CalConnect XV

CalConnect XV (IOP Test Event and Roundtable) will be hosted by Oracle Corporation on June 1-5, 2009, at Oracle’s HQ in Redwood Shores, California. We hope to open registration early, but in any case by the beginning of April.

Welcome to CalConnect

This blog is for and about CalConnect — The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium — and occasional other posts related to the quest for interoperable calendaring and scheduling.