NASA joins CalConnect
Posted March 31, 2009I’m delighted to announce that NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has joined The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium.
I’m delighted to announce that NASA, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has joined The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium.
Apple’s WorldWide Developers’ Conference was just set for the second week of June (8-12), the week following CalConnect XV at Oracle in Redwood Shores. A grand chance to combine two trips and take a holiday weekend in-between in the Bay Area!
We are planning for a 4-hour outage Thursday evening March 26 from 19:00-23:00 Eastern Time. That will be 16:00-20:00 Pacific Time and 23:00-03:00 UTC. We want to be sure we are leaving enough time for any unforeseen problems and still be functional Friday morning, and the necessary talent isn’t available over the weekend.
During the outage period, none of the CalConnect services will be available including mailing lists – any e-mails to the lists will queue up until the new server is up.
Registration is now open for CalConnect XV comprised of Roundtable XV and a CalConnect Interoperability Test Event, hosted by Oracle in Redwood Shores, California, on June 1-5, 2009.
Please see CalConnect XV for logistics information and links to registration for the Roundtable and for the CalConnect Interoperability Test Event. We will meet in the Oracle Conference Center at 350 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores.
CalConnect XV (IOP Test Event and Roundtable) will be hosted by Oracle Corporation on June 1-5, 2009, at Oracle’s HQ in Redwood Shores, California. We hope to open registration early, but in any case by the beginning of April.
There’s a brief report on Roundtable XIV, up on the CalConnect website at