October 2010

Observations on “Online calendaring and booking”

A recent (October 25th) post in the CalendarReview blog, “Online calendaring and online booking”, discusses connecting user-based interfaces (such as ‘shopfronts’, customer-to-business incarnations, and the not yet pervasive “appointment search engines”) and booking or calendaring systems, to provide for generalized booking for medical appointments, tennis courts, auto repair, etc.

Oracle announces Oracle Communications Unified Communications Suite 7 update 1

Oracle recently announced the release of Oracle Communications Unified Communications Suite 7 Update 1 at Oracle Open World in San Francisco. Oracle Communications Unified Communications Suite (formerly Sun Java System Communications Suite) is a carrier-grade, highly scalable, secure, and reliable messaging and collaboration platform. It enables service providers to quickly bring to market a full-featured communication platform—one that takes advantage of existing and emerging standards, includes innovations in message management, and better enables cost-effective communication.

Member Focus: Zimbra (a VMware division)

Zimbra is a software vendor that provides an open source email, calendaring & collaboration suite. Zimbra has over 4,000 customers using the commercial version of the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, representing over 55 million paid users, including business and government customers of all sizes, over 400 higher education institutions, and service providers such as Comcast Cable and NTT Communications — and Zimbra also has multiple CalConnect member organizations among its user base.

Shifting Time Zones on Online Calendars – A CalConnect Perspective

Earlier this week, David Pogue’s posting (http://pogue.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/10/13/shifting-time-zones-on-online-calendars/) “Shifting Time Zones on Online Calendars Appeared on the New York Times web site. For the last 10 years, Pogue has been writing the Times’ “Personal Tech” column, and is perhaps the most influential tech writer in the U.S.