The World of Calendaring

New Chair of TC CHAIRS

I'm honored to announce that as of yesterday, September 26th 2016, Thomas Schäfer of 1&1 is the new Chair of TC CHAIRS. The Chair of TC Chairs has a central role in coordinating and progressing our work. Thomas takes over this role from Cyrus Daboo. On behalf of all members, my gratitude goes out to Cyrus who has served as chair for all but two years since 2006. In 2013 Cyrus received the CalConnect Distinguished Service Award, also for his work as chair.

Announcing the CalConnect Calendaring Developer's Guide

CalConnect has recently published its new Calendaring Developer’s Guide as a read-only wiki at  

We have created an initial outline of topics that we expect will be of value, and added content for a subset of them such as creating a simple event, together with examples.  At this point we feel the Guide has enough content to be published and useful, but it is still incomplete.

Timezone Technical Committee closed; work program completed

The CalConnect TIMEZONE Technical Committee was originally chartered to develop problem statements and recommendations for managing time zone data in iCalendar, and recommendations for a TIMEZONE Registry and TIMEZONE service.  The TC was reactivated in 2007 to develop the Time Zone Data Distribution Service specification, and to help progress it to a standard.

CalConnect Specifications in IETF CALEXT Working Group Last Call

The IETF CALEXT Working Group has issued a Last Call for Comments on two CalConnect specifications:  Calendar Availability (VAVAILABILITY)
 and Calendar Extensions