The World of Calendaring

Member Focus: dotCal

dotCal is an Internet marketing service that helps consumers and businesses communicate event information across a variety of calendar programs. It is one of the first companies in this space that relies completely on today’s standards, including CalDav and iCalendar 2.0. By doing so, dotCal lives the mission of interoperability fostered by CalConnect.

Update: CalDAV Support for Symbian


The CalDAV contribution by Sun Microsystems (now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oracle) is now integrated in Symbian^3. This means that any manufacturer releasing a handset based on the current and any upcoming Symbian version will be able to make use of this great addition to the platform.

OASIS joins CalConnect

OASIS, the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Systems, has joined CalConnect as part of a reciprocal membership agreement between the two organizations. The joint relationship will initially focus on the iCalendar XML Representation and web services support for calendaring and scheduling.   

The IETF has published the revision to iCalendar

RFC5545, Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) has been published by the IETF as a Proposed Standard Protocol. This is the revision to RFC 2445 (iCalendar) which has been underway for some time. RFC5545 obsoletes RFC2445. See CalConnect congratulates everyone who was involved in progressing this work.

DAViCal implements CalConnect’s Proposal for Freebusy Read URL

As noted on Andrew McMillan’s blog at “Since DAViCal has always had Freebusy URLs, and in fact accepted a couple of simple parameters in them already it turned out to be a simple matter to provide these standardised ones as well. This change was included in DAViCal 0.9.7…”.