Extended Daylight Saving Time Links, Advisories and Changes

Type:	   Recommendation
Title:     Extended Daylight Savings Time Links, Advisories and Changes
Version:   1.0
Date:      2007-10-06
Status:    Published
Source:    DST Ad Hoc Committee

Extended Daylight Saving Time
Links, Advisories and Changes

Links to Advisory and Vendor Material on the Daylight Saving Time Changes in 2007

A Reference for Users and Systems Administrators

Last updated 6 October 2007 - Changes since March 7 marked with "New"

The links below are not exhaustive and may become out of date as vendors update the available information. If you have references to official documentation for vendors not listed below or notice a problem with one of the links, please send your updates to DST Referrals and we will attempt to include them as soon as possible.

Disclaimer: This document is provided for informational purposes only and does not represent an endorsement or statement of support by The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium for any of the products mentioned. The omission of any product or products represents only a lack of information rather than any bias against or deprecation of that product or products. The Consortium is not responsible for any results or consequences of any sort as a result of following any advice or performing any actions recommended in this material.

Daylight Saving Time Information and History

Daylight Saving Time from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

About Daylight Saving Time - History, rationale, laws & dates.

How the DST change impacts NIST Time Services, including WWVB radio broadcast and their Internet Time Service

New CalConnect EDST Reflections and Recommendations
Reflections on how well the transition to EDST happened on March 11, together with recommendations for the transition on November4 and future years, and longer-term recommendations for timezone management in general.

CalConnect Daylight Saving Time Documents and Resources

New The following pages and documents on Daylight Saving Time and Extended DST have been published by CalConnect:

CalConnect EDST Reflections and Recommendations:
Post March 2007 discussion of how well the transition to EDST went; recommendations for November 4 and long-term recommendations for timezone management.

Extended Daylight Saving Time Review and Considerations:
Introductory discussion of Extended DST and the implications for the software changes and patches required.

Extended Daylight Saving Time Links, Advisories and Changes:
This document; a compilation of links about DST and EDST, advisory notices, necessary changes and patches offered by software vendors and others.

Extended Daylight Saving Time Advisory Notice:
The original advisory notice issued by CalConnect in June 2005 in response to the legislation creating EDST.

Vendor Information

In each entry below, the URL of the link is provided, along with the official title of that web page as provided by the vendor. Comments by CalConnect providing the context for the material on the page are provided in italics immediately after the title of the page.

Apache and Tomcat

US Daylight Saving Time Change 2007 Effects on Apache and Tomcat
Covalent Technologies advisories for users of Apache and Tomcat


About Daylight Saving Time changes in 2007
This document itemizes several updates from Apple for the very latest DST changes. Updates for Mac OS X 10.3, 10.4, their Java environments, and WebObjects will be offered via Software Update or direct download. Information on Classic and Mac OS 9 is also provided in the document. Note that the US DST changes were included in Mac OS X 10.4.5 and later, but further changes for Alberta, Canada and other parts of the world are included in these updates. The unofficial patches for 10.3 are no longer necessary since Apple is now offering them with this set of updates.


New http://support.avaya.com/japple/css/

2007 Daylight Saving Time Changes
Comprehensive listing of fixes for Avaya's IP telephony product line


Bedework and the Energy Policy Act of 2005
Bedework is an open-source institutional calendar system


Daylight Saving Time 2007
Impact of DST changes on Blackberry devices and BlackBerry Enterprise Server

DST 2007 Patches for BlackBerry Devices
This page explains the download process for BlackBerry handhelds



U.S. Daylight Saving Time (DST) Changes for 2007
Comprehensive information on actions required for Cisco products


New http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX111734&searchID=39611352
Daylight-saving Time Changes in 2007
Describes the EDST changes and the products that require updates<

Debian GNU/Linux

Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 updated
The change log for 3.1r5 indicates that the time zone rules were updated to "2006p-1", including new rules for the United States and West Australia


New http://secure.enterasys.com/services/support/daylight_savings.html
Enterasys Technical Notification Regarding Changes to US Daylight Savings Time Observance
Summary of changes to DST, identifies Enterasys products and required actions

Good Technology Inc.

See "Motorola Good Technology Group" below.


Are my events in Google Calendar affected by the Daylight Savings Time change in 2007?
Advisory for users of Google Calendar

Known Issues & Feature Updates
More general issues and feature updates for Google Calendar

Hitachi Data Systems

Extended Daylight Saving Time Product Impact Alert
Notification of DST impact on hardware and software products from HDS and their partners


New http://h10072.www1.hp.com/dst
U.S. 2007 Daylight Saving Time
Revised and more complete information on HP systems and related software


New http://www.ibm.com/support/alerts/us/en/daylightsavingstimealert.html
IBM-wide product alerts
Update information is organized by categories of products


2007 Daylight Savings Changes and Support for Juniper Products
A listing of technical bulletins that address the DST issue in Juniper products

Kerberos from MIT

Comments for KDC administrators regarding the time synchronization requirements and features in Kerberos as implemented by MIT

Kerio Technologies

Does KMS Support Daylight Saving Time for 2007
Statement of compliance for Kerio Mailserver 6.3.0 and higher; links for underlying OS changes which must be done manually


New http://www.microsoft.com/time
Daylight Saving Time Help and Support Center
Comprehensive document regarding the DST issue with pointers to other knowledge base articles and patches

New http://support.microsoft.com/gp/dst_prodlist
List of Microsoft products affected by daylight saving time and time zone changes
Comprehensive index of Microsoft products and links to latest updates for Microsoft Windows and other products, including the current version of the Microsoft Office Time Zone Data Update Tool

Daylight Saving Time 2007 Update>br> Updates for handheld devices (PDAs) running Windows Mobile. See also the "Palm" section above if your handheld is made by Palm.

The Office for Mac Team Blog entry

Microsoft-Related (Third Party)


DST 2007 Changes & Entourage 2004 for Mac
Not an official support document, but useful information posted on Amir's Exchange Clients Blog

IntelliAdmin: Unofficial Windows 2000 Daylight Saving Time Patch
Microsoft is not providing an update to Windows 2000 for extended DST but has outlined a multi-step procedure which involves updating the registry. IntelliAdmin created this unofficial utility program to automate the procedure recommended by Microsoft.

DST Update Tool for Windows from NT4 through Server 2003 and XP
A global update solution from Sharpe Business Solutions for most versions of windows from NT 4 and Win2KPRO through WinXP. This is a product.

Fixing Windows 98 TimeZones for the New 2007 Daylight Saving Time Rules
An unofficial fix from SolProvider for extended DST for Windows 98 and a companion way to set the system back to the old rules (in case Congress changes its mind because the expected benefits from the change don't actually occur).


DST 2007 Update: "Step by Step" Support Webcast Training
Another Microsoft blog with references to several helpful official and unofficial DST resources

Motorola Good Technology Group

New http://www.good.com/faq/17882.html
Daylight Savings Time Adjustment 2007
Provides detailed information on addressing DST in Good's products and on other DST-related issues


The Mulberry email and calendar client has recently been updated to a new version v4.0.8 to address the upcoming Extended Daylight Saving Time changes.
Mulberry will attempt to automatically upgrade existing timezones to the new rules when run. Anyone using the calendaring features of Mulberry should upgrade to this new release right away.


Product Support and Software - Europe
DST updaters are listed in the "Latest Software" for several Nokia phones. This is for European customers.

Phone Software Update (USA)
Windows software to download updates from Nokia and apply them to a phone. For United States customers.

Notify Technology Corp

2007 Daylight Saving Time Changes: Transition for NotifyLink Users
Instructions for NotifyLink fixes and suggestions for calendar server and mobile device patches to apply


New http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/feature/18566.html
Daylight Saving Time Change Impacts GroupWise Appointments
Automated Tool to Address Daylight Saving Time Impact on GroupWise Appointments

New http://www.novell.com/support/

Netware Servers
This link was not working on 4 October


New http://www.oracle.com/support/daylight-savings.html
Daylight Savings Time Alert for Oracle Customers
This is an open page and does not require a MetaLink account to access it


New http://packeteer.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/packeteer.cfg/php/enduser/

Daylight Saving Time Change in 2007
Update and configuration instructions for Packeteer products


Daylight Saving Time Updates
Updates for both Palm and Windows Mobile handheld devices from Palm


PeopleCube Announces New Version of Meeting Maker
Meeting Maker 8.6 includes support for new DST regulations

PeopleCube Announces New Version of Resource Scheduler
Resource Scheduler 7.7 includes new DST rules


PeopleTools Daylight Saving Time Required Modifications
Advisory for PeopleTools Products


PeopleTools Vendor Daylight Saving Time Required Modifications
Advisory for Third Party (Vendor) Applications


New http://www.polycom.com/common/documents/support/downloads/network/

ReadiManager SE200 Patch Release Notes
Patch instructions for the ReadiManager SE200 embedded Microsoft OS

Psion Teklogix

Daylight Savings Time Changes and Support Information
Updates for Psion Teklogix industrial mobile devices

Red Hat

Red Hat Knowledgebase Article ID 7909
DST updates available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2, 3, 4, and related links

Snap Server by Adaptec

Ensure Your Snap Server is Ready for Daylight Saving Time
Guidance for users of Adaptec's line of Snap Server Network Attached Storage and SAN Devices


DST: Daylight Saving Time Changes (2007)
A central index of DST change information for Sun products, both software and hardware

New http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Intl/USDST/
Overview and Mitigation of the USA2007DST Issue for the Java SE platform and Solaris OS
A listing of which Java run time environments have updated DST rules

Sun Java SE JDK tzupdater Tool
A tool for updating time zone data in JDK and JRE version 1.4 and later


Symantec enterprise products and daylight saving time
This page provides links to documents for each Symantec product indicating whether each product is affected by the change to daylight saving time, and if so, how.


Trumba Connect Frequently Asked Questions
DST changes will be applied behind the scenes by Trumba


2007 U.S. Daylight-Saving Time Extension
Updates for ESX Server 2.x and 3.0.x


New http://www.xerox.com/go/xrx/portal/STServlet?projectID=ST_DST

Updating Xerox Products for Daylight Saving Time
Links to instructions for updating Xerox products

Companion Document

The companion page to this one, Extended Daylight Saving Time Review and Considerations, provides a review of the Daylight Saving Time changes and the potential impact of this change on computer systems and devices. It is intended as a review and reference for users and in particular for systems administrators who may need to make necessary updates to their systems.

Future Documents and Proposals

New CalConnect plans to update this page as information becomes available prior to November 4th. Following November 4 an update to CalConnect EDST Reflections and Recommendations may be prepared to take into account additional information from the November transition.

New CalConnect has also initiated work in TC TIMEZONE, one of its Technical Committees, on proposals for a formal, universal Timezone Registry and a companion Timezone Service protocol, intended to make the management of timezones (and related phenomena such as DST) substantially easier in the future.

Copyright Statement

This document is ©2007, The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium. Permission is granted to viewers to quote or republish this document in whole or in part so long as credit is given to the Consortium, a link is provided to the Consortium website, and the quoted or republished material is not modified in any way.