Thomas Schäfer 10th Recipient of CalConnect Distinguished Service Award

Thomas Schäfer
The Board of Directors has honored Thomas Schäfer as the recipient of our tenth Distinguished Service Award.
Thomas became active in CalConnect in 2014 when 1&1 joined, and has remained intensely involved ever since on both the technical and organizational sides. Thomas and 1&1 hosted two conferences, CalConnect XXXIII Bucharest in 2015 and CalConnect XLIII Karlsruhe in 2018.
Thomas established and chaired TC-CALSPAM to consider calendar spam, and initiated our liaison with M3WAAG to jointly work in this area. He initiated and chaired TC-DEVGUIDE, to create a Calendar Developer’s Guide, which continues to be developed. He served on the Event Planning committee, and initiated and completed a proposal to combine the testing and conference components of the CalConnect meetings into a single format. He served as Chair of the Technical Coordination Committee, and as such as a Board member.
When 1&1 chose to not renew their membership, Thomas joined CalConnect as an individual member, and continues to chair and participate in technical committees and event planning.
Thomas has always been present, always good humored, and with constructive contributions to calls and conferences. We look forward to Thomas’s continued involvement and participation in CalConnect in the future.