August 6, 2012
CalConnect Announces New Diverse Technical Leadership: 20120806 Steering Committee.pdf.

CalConnect Announces New Diverse Technical Leadership
Major Vendors Join with Ed and Small Business; Set to Meet Next in Zurich

August 6, 2012 – McKinleyville, CA

CalConnect (The Calendaring and Scheduling
Consortium; announces its technical leadership team that takes office September 9. The organizations and individual members assuming roles on the organization’s Steering Committee represent a diverse and international membership. Major corporate, university, and consumer-service members, as well as tech start-ups, are dedicated to ensuring that consumers worldwide have calendaring and scheduling software that interoperates to ensure reliability on mobile and desktop platforms.

New members of CalConnect’s Steering Committee are:

Andrew McMillan, who developed the DAViCal CalDAV Server and the aCal CalDAV Client for Android
Carnegie Mellon University, currently developing the Cyrus CalDAV Calendaring Server Kerio Technologies, a growing presence among U.S. and European vendors that hosted the first full European CalConnect event, including interoperability testing and roundtable technical conferences
Intand, the creator of Tandem for Schools, school calendar software solutions

These new members join those remaining on the Steering Committee: Apple, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, University of California, and Oracle.

“Organizations and entrepreneurs just like our Steering Committee members are among CalConnect’s founding members,” noted Executive Director Dave Thewlis. “Standards and interoperability are central to CalConnect’s mission and are strong core values of all our members—large and small from around the world.”

The Consortium develops recommendations for improvement and extension of relevant standards, develops requirements and use cases for calendaring and scheduling specifications, develops initial specifications and proposals submitted to relevant standards organizations for progression, and conducts interoperability testing for calendaring and scheduling
implementations, in support of its purpose to improve and promote calendaring and scheduling.

Google is sponsoring CalConnect’s upcoming testing event and technical meetings in Zurich, Switzerland October 1-5. CalConnect’s interoperability test events offer those with calendaring implementations a chance to test against others one-on-one. Events are structured to allow “testing pairs” in which each participant gets a chance to test with everyone in the course of the 2.5 days. Testing events always accompany Roundtables, during which critical issues of calendaring and scheduling specifications and market opportunities dominate discussion.

Non-members are welcome to participate; contact the executive director at

About CalConnect

The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium ( is a partnership among vendors, developers, and customers to advance calendaring and scheduling standards and implementations. The mission is to provide mechanisms to allow calendaring and scheduling methodologies to interoperate, and to promote broad understanding of these methodologies so that calendaring and scheduling tools and applications can enter the mainstream of computing. The Consortium develops recommendations for improvement and extension of relevant standards, develops requirements and use cases for calendaring and scheduling specifications, conducts interoperability testing for calendaring and scheduling implementations, and promotes calendaring and scheduling.

Members are AOL, Apple, Ralf Becker, Cabo Communications, Carnegie Mellon, eM Client, Gershon Janssen, Google, Inc., IBM Corporation, IceWarp, Ltd., Intand, Kerio Technologies, MailSite Software, Inc., Andrew McMillan, Microsoft, Mozilla Foundation, New York University, Nokia Corporation, OASIS, The Omni Group, Oracle, Patricia Egen Consulting, PeopleCube, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. (Bedework), Pascal Robert, Synchronica Plc, TimeTrade Systems, University of California, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Yahoo!, and Zimbra, a division of VMware