January 2019

CalConnect is now listed as an official international standards body by the WTO

I am very pleased to announce that CalConnect is now officially listed as an international standards body by the World Trade Organization:  https://tbtcode.iso.org/sites/wto-tbt/contents/json/185.html.  The document describing our alignment with WTO principles may be found here:  https://standards.calconnect.org/csd/cc-10100.html.

CalConnect publishes Calendar Spam Best Current Practices

TC-CALSPAM, the CalConnect Calendar Spam Technical Committee,  is happy to announce that it has released its Best Current Practices Report [Calendar operator practices — Guidelines to protect against calendar abuse (CC/R 18003:2019)] to publication today.  The document may be found on our document register  or directly at https://standards.calconnect.org/csd/cc-18003.html.